AARC Public Service Event #1

The Bel Monte Endurance Run was a great success for the AARC Public Service Program with thanks to the many volunteers who showed up to help out. Because of the number of volunteers, we were able to work some split shifts so fewer people had to work the entire event. Approximately 230 extreme runners competed on courses of 25 or 50 kilometers, or 50 miles on single track trails, jeep roads or gravel roads.

Because of the nature of the course layout, runners returned to aid stations, serveral times in the case of the 50 mile course. That made keeping track of runner progress interesting to say the least.

Thanks to the following for their participation:
Kenneth KJ4KIH who manned the Start/Finish for the morning shift, and Linda KI5LLB for the afternoon duty
Dayton AA4DH who manned Slacks Overlook Aid Station
Elmer KF4UCI and Jon KJ4RPW who worked the Bald Mt Aid Station for the duration of the event
Jim K4CGY who operated from Kennedy Ridge Aid Station for the morning shift and Hugh KJ4ZIL and Larry KB4TBF who took over for the afternoon shift
Greg N4PGS worked the Turkey Pen Aid Station in the morning, Dale KD4EAP and his son Nickolas who took over for the afternoon
and finally Shannon KJ4JVR was at the Start/Finish working for the race organizers, but was able to follow the radio traffic on a spare HT.

A Public Service report has been filed with ARRL. Race organizers made a generous donation to the AARC in the amount of $200 with an additional donation to the Waynesboro Repeater Association recognizing the importance of the 147.075 W4PNT repeater to our Amateur Radio support of this event.

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