Field Day 2013 log

Image of summary.pdf

Field day log file in ADIF format is attached; thanks to Bill N0WP.
Also the summary points file is attached. It does not include bonus points we get for activities unknown to the logging program. This data shown below has also been condensed into a 1 page summary which is attached as a .pdf and .ods (Open Document Spreadsheet) for import into libreoffice,, or recent versions of excel.

There were 845 non-duplicate QSOs, which total 1225 points (1 point phone, 2 for CW or digital). Since all our stations ran at 150W or less, we get a power multiplier of 2, for 2450 points before bonuses. We get Bonus points for:
100% Emergency power – 100 points
Media publicity 100 points
Public Place 100 points
Info Booth 100 points
NTS message to AARC 100 points
copying W1AW message 100 points
1 formal NTS messages 10 points
Natural power QSOs 100 points
for submitting online 50 points
Estimated total bonus points: 760
Estimated total: 3210 points

Last year, our total was 4436

Using Linux/FreeBSD/un*x operating system command line file utiltities (also available on Mac shell or under cygwin in windoze), I can do some simple single variable analysis. The commands used are shown as “Incantation:”; some readers will wish to ignore those.

Number of QSOs by band and mode after removing duplicates.
Incantation: fgrep -i total W4DO.dup
80  CW  Total Contacts = 32
80  DIG  Total Contacts = 9
80  PH  Total Contacts = 25
40  CW  Total Contacts = 111
40  DIG  Total Contacts = 28
40  PH  Total Contacts = 164
20  CW  Total Contacts = 117
20  DIG  Total Contacts = 29
20  PH  Total Contacts = 240
15  CW  Total Contacts = 54
15  PH  Total Contacts = 35
6  PH  Total Contacts = 1
This adds up to a total of 845 contacts.

Number of QSOs by Country:
Incantation: fgrep -i "<Country:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r

    800 USA
     32 Canada
      6 Puerto Rico
      2 Hawaii
      1 Venezuela
      1 US Virgin Is.
      1 Spain
      1 Italy

Number of QSOs by state:
Incantation: fgrep -i "<State:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
     46 OH
     46 CA
     42 VA
     42 FL
     41 TX
     40 GA
     34 NY
     32 NC
     31 IL
     30 PA
     25 TN
     22 NJ
     22 MS
     22 MI
     21 WI
     18 MD
     17 ON
     17 IN
     16 SC
     16 MN
     16 AL
     15 MA
     15 AZ
     14 WA
     14 MO
     14 LA
     14 CO
     13 AR
     12 OK
     12 NM
     12 KY
     10 KS
     10 CT
      9 QC
      8 OR
      7 RI
      7 NH
      6 SD
      6 IA
      5 WV
      5 ME
      4 UT
      3 ND
      3 MT
      3 DE
      3 BC
      2 VT
      2 NV
      2 ID
      2 HI
      2 AK
      1 WY
      1 NT
      1 NE
      1 MB
      1 AB

Number of QSOs by Class

Incantation:fgrep -i "<Class:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
    188 2A
    148 3A
     78 4A
     64 1D
     59 1E
     54 5A
     44 1A
     33 6A
     22 2F
     21 1B
     17 3F
     14 2E
     12 3E
     10 7A
      9 9A
      8 2D
      8 1F
      7 8A
      5 29A
      5 1C
      5 12A
      4 4E
      3 9F
      3 6F
      3 6E
      3 5F
      3 4D
      3 3D
      3 15E
      3 11A
      2 2B
      1 5E
      1 4F
      1 1AM
      1 16A

Number of QSOs by ARRL Section:
While we did not get some Canadian sections, we got every US section except NNY and all 50 US states. 
I (AK4OL) pounced on a NNY digital station but could not get through on 5W.
Incantation:  fgrep -i "<ARRL_Sect:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r

     46 OH
     42 VA
     40 GA
     32 NC
     31 IL
     25 TN
     25 STX
     22 MS
     22 MI
     22 EPA
     21 WI
     19 NFL
     18 MDC
     16 SC
     16 MN
     16 IN
     16 AL
     15 AZ
     14 NLI
     14 MO
     14 LA
     14 CO
     14 AR
     13 SFL
     13 NTX
     12 WWA
     12 SNJ
     12 OK
     12 NM
     12 KY
     11 ENY
     10 WCF
     10 SCV
     10 NNJ
     10 KS
     10 EMA
     10 CT
      9 WPA
      9 WNY
      9 QC
      9 LAX
      8 OR
      7 RI
      7 ORG
      7 ONS
      7 NH
      6 SD
      6 PR
      6 IA
      6 GTA
      5 WV
      5 WMA
      5 SF
      5 SDG
      5 ONE
      5 ME
      4 UT
      4 SB
      3 WTX
      3 SJV
      3 ND
      3 MT
      3 DX
      3 DE
      3 BC
      2 VT
      2 SV
      2 PAC
      2 NV
      2 ID
      2 EWA
      1 WY
      1 VI
      1 NE
      1 MB
      1 EB
      1 AK
      1 AB

Number of QSOs by operator:
Note that in many cases the operator field may not have been updated.
Incantation:  fgrep -i "<OPERATOR:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
    361 K4cgy
    130 Dennis
     80 Marty
     56 KQ9P
     11 ALAN
      4 Mike
      2 Daniel
      1 Jim
      1 BILL
      1 Bill
      1 Ak4ol

Number of QSOs by Band:
Incantation: fgrep -i "<BAND:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
    386 20M
    303 40M
     89 15M
     66 80M
      1 6M

Number of QSOs by Mode:
Incantation: fgrep -i "<MODE:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
    465 PH
    314 CW
     66 DIG

Note that almost all digital mode contacts were on 5W (a few used higher power) while Phone and CW were probably running around 100W. Also, the digital station was shutdown Sunday morning due to increased interference between stations. While it appears the digital didn’t do very well, digital made about 13 contacts per watt while CW made about 3.14 and Phone about 465 assuming those were running 100W out – and it did it in only one day. Logarithmically, it comes out to Digital: 94/log(watts), CW: 157/log(watts), Phone: 232/log(watts) but again digital station was shutdown sunday and the CW station was sometimes operated in phone mode. Also, CW and Digital QSOs are worth twice as many points and 5W class is worth 2.5times as many points as 150W class but since the phone and CW stations aren’t running QRP, they drag the digital station down and we don’t get that multiplier.
Digital: 66QSO * 2 digital points * 2 power points = 264 points (would be 660 if it could get its QSO credit)
CW: 314QSO * 2 CW points * 2 power points = 1256 points
Phone: 465QSO * 1 phone points * 2 power points = 930 points

Number of QSOs by station (based on logging computer name):
Incantation: fgrep -i "<N3FJP_COMPUTERNAME:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
    361 owen        (phone)
    350 w4mbw-8ef4c54b0   (CW,phone)
    134 Bill-bootcamp   (digital)

States worked by band. Produced by importing log into CQRLOG and asking for Worked All States contest statistics.















AK, Alaska

      X     X

AL, Alabama

 XX X X     X

AR, Arkansas

  X X X     X

AZ, Arizona

  X X X     X

CA, California

  X X X     X

CO, Colorado

  X X       X

CT, Connecticut

  X X       X

DE, Delaware


FL, Florida

  X X X     X

GA, Georgia

  X X X     X

HI, Hawaii


IA, Iowa

  X X       X

ID, Idaho


IL, Illinois

 XX X X     X

IN, Indiana

  X X       X

KS, Kansas

    X X     X

KY, Kentucky

    X       X

LA, Louisiana

    X X     X

MA, Massachusetts

  X X X     X

MD, Maryland

 XX         X

ME, Maine

  X   X     X

MI, Michigan

 XX X       X

MN, Minnesota

  X X X     X

MO, Missouri

  X X X     X

MS, Mississippi

  X   X     X

MT, Montana

    X       X

NC, North Carolina

 XX X       X

ND, North Dakota

    X       X

NE, Nebraska


NH, New Hampshire

  X         X

NJ, New Jersey

 XX         X

NM, New Mexico

  X X       X

NV, Nevada

      X     X

NY, New York

 XX X       X

OH, Ohio

 XX         X

OK, Oklahoma

  X X X     X

OR, Oregon

  X   X     X

PA, Pennsylvania

 XX X       X

RI, Rhode Island

  X X       X

SC, South Carolina

 XX X X     X

SD, South Dakota

    X X     X

TN, Tennessee

 XX X       X

TX, Texas

  X X X     X

UT, Utah

      X     X

VA, Virginia

 XX X       X

VT, Vermont


WA, Washington

    X X     X

WI, Wisconsin

  X X       X

WV, West Virginia

 X          X

WY, Wyoming

    X       X



















For those who are interested, here is an explanation of a sample incantation.   It contains 5 commands joined together using a pipe "|" such that the output of the first command is piped through the second, then the third, then the fourth, then the fifth.
Incantation: fgrep -i "<Country:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi  | sed -e "s/<.*>//" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
 fgrep -i "<Country:" ARRL-FIELD-DAY.adi     - Select the lines out of the logfile that contain the <Country: tag
  |  sed -e "s/<.*>//"               - edit out the tag, leaving only the country data
  | sort                                 - sort the lines alphabetically
  | uniq -c                    - remove duplicate lines, but include count of number of duplicates
  | sort -n -r                - now sort the result numerically on number of duplicates but in reverse order (most common first)
Sample data line: 

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