New Club Award

Albemarle Amateur Radio Club
Central Virginia Repeater Century Award

Our President states, “To encourage use of repeaters in Central Virginia and in celebration of our 50th year as a radio club, the Albemarle Amateur Radio Club announces the “Central Virginia Repeater Century Award”.”

Here are the rules as approved by the Board of Directors:

Only contacts made on repeaters in Central Virginia count for credit. Simplex contacts are not counted for this award. All QSO’s count as two points, but only one contact with each licensed amateur can be counted for credit each year. (In other words each person can only be counted as a contact once in a year. Multiple contacts with the same person on different machines will only be counted as one contact).Documentation consists of Date, Time, Machine Used and the Call sign of the station contacted in a log that must be submitted to be considered for the annual award. The annual deadline for submission is two weeks before the club’s December Holiday Dinner which is scheduled for December 10, 2013. (For the 2013 award logs will be submitted to K4DU). Logs are on the honor system, but are subject to inspection when submitted. Award certificates for 100 points or more will be presented at the Annual Holiday Dinner. Contacts made by a Net Control Operator (NCO) for the Monday Night Information Net, The Digital Net or the Northern Piedmont Emergency Net maybe counted for award credit. (All check-ins for a single session may be counted once in a calendar year for a net control operator.) Guest NCO’s for the weekly nets are welcomed and encouraged!

Contacts made after July 9, 2013 are eligible for this award.

The file attachment can serve as a portable log specifically designed for the contest. You can download and print it for your own use or as an example for your own creation.

EDIT 2013-08-08 20:37:45-04:00 by AK4OL:
I have added an alternate form in .pdf and open document (.odt) formats (users of microsoft word will need to install the ODT plugin to allow that program to read the standard word processor file format). These were created in the free cross platform libreoffice writer. This form is in landscape orientation with 13 QSOs per page (4 pages will hold 104 points) so you have enough room to write. You can even fill it out with a regular tipped sharpie marker. The PDF file (and the .odt file) is also fill-able which means you can fill out the form fields on your computer in your pdf reader (don’t forget to save after recording each QSO). Don’t overwrite the original (blank file), use a new file name such as CVRA_log_page1.pdf. Note that adobe has maliciously designed adobe reader so it will not let you save edited forms created with software other than adobe’s expensive closed source platform limited applications and saved in a special “reader enabled” mode, but it will let you print them, so you will need to use a non-malicious pdf reader such as okular. Windows users can install KDE on windows and select the okular package. Evince will also work but it will not tab between fields; you have to click on each field. Windows users can try FoxIt reader; this hasn’t been tested. The built in pdf reader in the firefox web browser does not support fill-able pdf forms but will give you the opportunity to launch another pdf reader when necessary. There are android programs which will fill in pdf forms. However, for those who want to type in the data on their computer, consider using a spreadsheet such as libreoffice calc, a database management system such as libreoffice base, or an actual ham radio logging program.

If you want to use a logging program, you can use fldigi (linux/mac/windows), and create a new logbook file for the contest. PDF fields to FLDIGI field mapping:
TIME: Time On
CALL: Call
Club member: exchange in (not required for contest)
Repeater: Freq
Remarks: Notes

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