Sam’s Country breakfast plate ($9) plus dutch apple crepes ($6).
Photo: AK4OL. CC-BY-3.0-USThe breakfast bunch (an informal gathering of hams) will be gathering at Sam’s Kitchen (not Panera bread as we have been) in Albemarle County about 2.5 miles north of Charlottesville city limits.. Sam’s kitchen is not where it used to be and is also not where google maps thinks it is (though this has been reported and they may update). This is in the Woodbrook Shopping Center, Diagonally across Route 29 and Woodbrook drive from Lowes, behind Kohr Brother’s Frozen Ice Cream. It is at the center (inside corner) of the L shaped strip mall behind Kohr’s where the Mexican restaurant used to be. We will meet at around 7AM and will probably run till 10:00AM or 10:30AM.
Photo: AK4OL. CC-BY-3.0-US.
Approximate Lat/Longitude, taken from placing a marker on google maps: 38.086898, -78.469920,-78.469920