AARC 2013 Field Day Station Morse Code (HF CW) Station
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
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now to add this event to your google calendar (operating hours only, see below for a link which includes setup and teardown).
The public is invited to visit the Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC) Field Day Station From 2PM Saturday June 28 until 2PM Sunday June 29, 2014. The AARC will be operating this temporary station and camp as an emergency communications exercise and public outreach event as part of the ARRL Amateur Radio Field Day 2014, the biggest ham radio event in the US. The station will be setup in the lot behind the:
Earlysville Volunteer Fire Station
283 Reas Ford Rd, Earlysville, VA 22936
google maps
Latitude/Longitode: geo:38.144678,-78.491183.
Maidenhead Grid Locator: FM08SD14BR
Talk in: 146.760Mhz, Transmit Offset -600Mhz, CTCSS tone in: 151.4Hz,
CTCSS tone out: none, Modulation: FM
See CBS19 TV Coverage of last years field day.
This page is still under construction.
Permanent URL: https://www.albemarleradio.org/field_day_2014/
More info below the fold.
AARC 2013 Field Day
Camp Kitchen, Dining, and Sleeping, Solar Panels.
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
AARC 2013 Field Day Voice (HF SSB) Station
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
AARC 2013 Field Day Digital Modes Station
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
AARC 2013 Field Day Voice and CW stations
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
AARC 2013 Field Day station tents
with HF Beam and UHF beam antennas.
Photo Credit: Mark Whitis AK4OL, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
AARC 2013 Field Day Camp Kitchen
Photo Credit: Jim Wilson K4BAV, License: CC-BY-3.0-US
What is Ham Radio
What is ham radio? page at ARRL.
What is Field Day
Field day is the biggest ham radio event in the US. Ham radio operators participate from thousands of locations around the US and Canada. Field day is an exercise in communicating from “unusual” locations (i.e. usually somewhere other than where you have a station) where all the gear has to be brought in and setup from scratch, similar to what might need to be done in an emergency. Last year, 36,560 operators from 2548 stations made 1,268,916 radio contacts in 24 hours (plus 3 extra hours for stations that didn’t even start setting up until the event started). Setup is limited to 24 hours before the event. Field day stations mostly contact each other but can get credit for contacting stations anywhere in the world. Field day is an Emergency Communications Drill, a public outreach event, a chance for members to get on the air, a campout and cookout, and a contest.
Earliest Allowable setup time: = Friday T2014-06-26 00:00Z = Thursday 2014-06-26 8PM EDT; However, total setup time may not exceed 24 hours.
24 Hour Prior to Event start Setup Time: Friday: 2014-06-27 1800Z = Friday 2014-06-27 2PM EDT
Operating Start Saturday: 2014-06-28 1800Z = Saturday 2014-06-28 2PM EDT
Operating End Sunday: 2014-06-29 1800Z = Sunday 2014-06-29 2PM EDT
Extended Operating End: 2014-06-29 2100Z = Sunday 5PM. Only for stations that don’t start setting up until operating starts. Does not apply.
Tear-down end, estimated: Sunday: 2014-06-29 2200Z = Sunday 2014-06-29 6PM
Get On The Air (GOTA) Station
Members of the public are encouraged to get on the air under the guidance and supervision of the GOTA coach and control operator. No one may legally transmit on the ham bands at any time unless they hold a valid amateur radio license or are under the direct supervision of someone who does. The following are eligible to use the GOTA station:
- Those with no ham license
- Those who have been recently licensed since last years field day
- “generally inactive licensees”
- There will be A VE session, where volunteer examiners administer ham radio license exams, from 9AM to Noon in the banquet hall. $15.
- Educational events: tbd
- Flyer, version 2 (added QR code): PDF and SVG (use with Inkscape). There is a AARC Field Day 2014 flyer locations shared google drive spreadsheet to log locations where flyer has or should be posted. Look on sheet 2 for directions. To map the locations, try clicking on this link and then click draw map.
- QR Code (website) PNG, SVG and EPS
- QR Code (iCal) PNG
- Larry Eicher, K4JZQ, Field Day Committee Chairman
- A.J. Miller, KE4AJM
- Bob Pattison, K4DU
- Mark Whitis, AK4OL
- Mike Elliott, K4WDV
Q. What is considered a generally inactive licensee?
A. The GOTA station is not for everyone. The generally inactive licensee provisions pertain to someone who holds a General or higher class license but has been inactive. The intent and the spirit of this station is to provide an opportunity for persons to gain on-the-air experience and progress to operating the regular club stations in the future. The intent is not to develop a group of “permanent GOTA Field Day operatorsâ€. This is also not a station that a club “ringer†operates in order to rack up points. The list of operators of this station must be submitted with the Field Day entry
Other licensed hams may not make contact using the GOTA station but may use one of the other stations.
Under field day rules, contacts made using the GOTA station receive points just like contacts made using the other stations. In addition, we get matching bonus points for each group of 20 contacts (up to 100) made by a single guest operator on the GOTA station.
Press Kit
Press Contact:
James L. Wilson – K4BAV
Albemarle Amateur Radio Club
PO BOX 6833
A camp setup can present some challenges for people with disabilities. However, last year we had one person in a wheelchair, one person on crutches, one totally blind person, one legally blind person, and at least one person with multiple food allergies in attendance. Let us know if you have special requirements.
Members of the public should click on this button
now to add this event to your google calendar (operating hours only).
Scan the following QR Code with your cell phone or tablet to add field day (operating hours only) to your calendar:
Hams, Click here to add this single event to your google calendar, including setup and teardown.
To Add all AARC events, click the +Calendar link on the Club Calendar or import the iCalendar feed.
Promotional Materials
Operator Signup
KQ9P has created an online signup list for operators. Sign up for an operating shift:
Equipment Signup List
AARC Members, please sign up to bring equipment. There are hundreds of pieces of equipment to bring, so help spread the load.
Edit/View link for Equipment Signup Sheet.
Interference between stations at same field day site
Last year we had some interference between stations, particularly the digital mode station interfering with the CW and Phone stations. Same bands and second harmonic band. This could have been due to IC-718 spurous emissions, poor rejection in receiver filters (cross band), noise on power line, antenna placement, station grounds, etc.
forum discussing similar issue
For Field Day 2014 the AARC plans to have a potluck supper on Saturday evening June 28, from 6PM to 7:30PM at Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department, 283 Reas Ford Road, Earlysville, VA. AARC members, family and guests are welcome. AARC will provide the entree, either baked or fried chicken from Wayside Chicken in Charlottesville, accompanied by side dishes, salads or dessert contributed by members. Members are requested to bring side dishes sufficient for 8-10 people. AARC requests all members contact Larry Eicher,
Breakfast will be available around 9-10AM Sunday morning, June 29 at the Field Day site, Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department, 283 Reas Ford Road, Earlysville. AARC will provide coffee, donuts and Egg McMuffins to those members working to support the Field Day activities that day.
We should have a charcoal grill and camp stove available if you want to prepare something on-site.
2014 Field Day Committee Members
Prior Year’s Field Day on AARC website
2013 Field Day: first web announcement https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/119
2013 Field Day Main Field Day Page: https://www.albemarleradio.org/field_day_2013
2013 Field Day TV coverage https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/122
2013 Field Day Log Stats: https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/123
2013,2012,2011 Field Day scores: https://www.albemarleradio.org/sites/default/files/summary2.pdf
2013 Field Day Photos Uploaded https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/125
2013 Field Day Photo gallery https://www.albemarleradio.org/gallery2/v/FieldDay2013/
2013 Field Day 71 spots on reverse beacon network: https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/126
2013 Field Day ARRL results: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/ContestResults/2013/2013-FD-QST.pdf
2012 Field Day Photo album https://www.albemarleradio.org/gallery2/v/FD+2012/
15 Prior years field day coverage in beacon newsletter: https://www.albemarleradio.org/node/128