First Annual CCC On-The-Air Weekend a great success!

CCCOTA certificateWe had a great weekend with the first of what should be an annual special event honoring the Civilian Conservation Corps (see the pre-event story on this site). Total activations ended up being 16 CCC-related sites in 9 states across the US. Locally, we successfully activated Camp Albemarle in White Hall, VA. A number of AARC members participated: helping with setup and teardown, operating, or showing up to be supportive. We got some low-timers doing HF work, and a few veterans trying out digital modes for the first time. We made a total of 44 contacts in a relaxed and fun operation.

Operating positionOne of the hightlights of the weekend was the visit by Phil James, local historian and author. Phil is particularly interested in the history of the CCC in Central Virginia. He set out on a quest to bring us a nugget of gold when he visited our operation, the callsign of the amateur radio station at CCC Camp Albemarle. After many days of sifting through microfiche of camp newsletters he succeeded. CCC Camp Albemarle originally operated as W3HBH! The callsign is still in use, now by an active ham in Tennessee.

DX ProReports from the other 15 sites were enthusiastic. All of us worked a number of stations who had some connection to the CCC, whether through a relative who had worked in the CCC or through a close connection to some site built by the CCC. Many of those folks told us of their intention to find and activate sites for next year’s event.

What's wrong now?Many thanks to all of those who helped, to the board of directors and staff of Camp Albemarle for their support, to Phil James for the great information about the CCC and CCC Camp Albemarle, and to all the stations we worked during the weekend. Planning has already begun for the Second Annual CCC On-The-Air Weekend! Look for details as they become available.

73, Mike KQ9P

Photos by Bill K4IB

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