Volunteers Needed for Charlottesville Mini Maker Faire!

Here’s another excellent opportunity for the AARC to demonstrate amateur radio activities to the public, including young people.

On March 26 from 10 am to 4 pm at Monticello High School, AARC will join rocketry and drone enthusiasts, 3D printer and robotics fans, do-it-yourselfers, architects, woodworkers, sculptors, engineers, scientists, and designers at the Charlottesville Mini Maker Faire. It promises, and I quote, “Six hours of Creative Collusions and a Smorgasbord of all you can eat Brain Food!” http://makerfairecville.com

Previously held in the fall, the event is sponsored by Make Magazine, Albemarle County Public Schools, PVCC, Tandem Friends School, and others. The intent is to get folks involved in all kinds of building and making.

Take a look at this WHTJ video to get an idea of what it’s like:

http://video.ideastations.org/video/2365480750/ (starts at 13:30)

Last fall, at another maker fair at Barnes and Nobel, Michael KA4JJD demonstrated entry-level maker projects including an MFJ 8100 World Band Shortwave Receiver assembled from a kit and an Arduino single-board computer with an elementary program that flashed his call sign. Jim K4BAV was dressed in a traditional, 19th century telegrapher outfit and attracted many young people (and one senior, former ham) to send code on his straight key. The sound of code drew people to the table. Alan K9MBQ explained the marvels of DX and displayed lots of exotic QSL cards. He also discussed the advanced ham station and the fun of restoring old equipment. Ed N3US described the activities of AARC, including public service, Elmering, introductory and upgrade courses, and support of “making.” He handed out lots of AARC and ARRL material. Finally, Larry K4JZQ circulated in the crowd, talking to many people about all aspects of ham radio, and vigorously inviting people to stop by.

The March 26 Faire is likely to be even bigger and better. Please consider joining in to communicate the fun of ham radio to the community. Contact Rick Oliver W3KDR (rickoliver45@hotmail.com) or Paul McKee AK4OH(ak4oh@arrl.net) if you are interested in volunteering or have ideas about what we should exhibit. Thanks!