AARC Field Day 2016, 25-26 June 2016

Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of Amateur Radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

For over 100 years, Amateur Radio — sometimes called ham radio — has allowed people from all walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during a disaster, all without needing a cell phone or the Internet. Field Day demonstrates ham radio’s ability to work reliably under any conditions from almost any location and create an independent communications network. Over 35,000 people from thousands of locations participated in Field Day in 2015.

Anyone may become a licensed Amateur Radio operator. There are over 725,000 licensed hams in the United States, as young as 5 and as old as 100. And with clubs such as the Albemarle Amateur Radio Club, it’s easy for anybody to get involved right here in Central Virginia.

Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) Station

We will operate a Get On The Air (GOTA) station as part of our Field Day event. The GOTA station is set up to permit and encourage very new hams or unlicensed but interested visitors to use a ham radio station and make contacts all over the country. Participants will operate a modern amateur radio under the guidance of an experienced coach. We will provide scripts to use for radio contacts, and we will award a certificate to those making contacts with other Field Day stations. This is an easy and enjoyable way to give amateur radio a try.

  • Station Captain and GOTA Coach: Bill AD6JV
  • Boy Scout Coordinator: Bob K4DU

Poster: AARC Field Day 2016 Poster

Location: Charlottesville-UVa-Albemarle Emergency Communications Center at 2306 Ivy Road in Charlottesville. (Printable PDF version)


  • Setup: Friday, 24 June 2016, 2-5pm; Saturday, 25 June 2016, 8am
  • Operations begin: Saturday, 25 June 2016, 2pm
  • Potluck dinner: Saturday, 25 June 2016, 6pm
  • Operations end: Sunday, 26 June 2016, 2pm
  • Teardown and cleanup: Sunday, 26 June 2016, 2pm

Callsign: W4DO (WA4TFZ for the GOTA station) Class: 3F on emergency power

Field Day Leadership

  • Field Day Committee Chair: Larry K4JZQ, k4jzq (at) arrl (dot) net
  • AARC President: Ed N3US


Saturday Evening Picnic

  • Captain: Patsy K4PMC
  • Just a reminder that the Field Day Committee will be offering a Club Picnic on Saturday, June 25, at 6 p.m. at the Field Day Site at the 911 Center on Route 250 just east of the Charlottesville City Limits. All club members are invited and are asked to bring a dish to share of veggies, salad or dessert sufficient for 6-8 people. The club will provide Grilled and Fried Chicken along with all the picnic paper products. This year there will be a provision for having grills on site to produce grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for those who wish them. Drinks will be provided by the Club but NO alcohol is permitted on site. A note to patcrosby73@gmail.com that you plan to attend would be very helpful to make sure we are adequately supplied. Thank you and I look forward to greeting you there.

Public Information Booth

  • Captain: Jim K4JEC
  • Banners and signs: Bob K4DU
  • Brochures, tours, info display, and live QSO map

Public Relations

  • Captain: Paul AK4OH, ak4oh (at) arrl (dot) net
  • FD Proclamations for AARC 2016 FD  ACBS FD Proc 2016

Logging Software

CW Station

Phone Station

Talk-in: WA4TFZ repeater at Marshall Manor, 146.925+ PL151.4

ARRL Field Day Web Site