(L-R) Mike Rein KA4JJD, Bill Pond N0WP, Bob Pattison K4DU, Katie Breaud with CSCE (now KO4CKD), Ed Berkowitz N3US, Don Eason N4UVA, Mark Gorlinsky WA1A and Dave Damon K4DND. Photo by Connie Pond
.A special VE session was held at Broadus Wood Elementary School on Wednesday, March 4. Only a single applicant was present, vastly outnumbered by the AARC VE volunteers. Miss Katie Breaud, a 5th grade science teacher is leading a group of eager students in a high altitude balloon project, scheduled for an April launch date. The student’s payload package will have an APRS transmitter, and so of course needs a ham radio license to accompany the transmitter. The VE team was pleased to make this special session available to Katie, who passed her technician class license exam flawlessly, just as the AARC hopes the balloon launch will also prove to be. So congratulations to Katie and her 5th graders as they progress on their project. I am sure that many AARC members with APRS equipment will be anxious to monitor the balloon launch.