Photo by Vickie Eicher.
Another Successful AARC Field Day!
Thanks to fearless leader Bob Romanko, AK4BR, and his team of volunteers.
We had visits from ARRL Roanoke Division Director Dr. James F. Boehner, N2ZZ and Vice Director Bill Morine, N2COP, contacts with all the US states plus several Canadian provinces and some DX as well! Nineteen operators together made over 1,000 contacts during the 24-hour period, using CW, Phone and digital (FT8, FT4), mostly on 40 and 20 m bands. We also had some fantastic educational activities with antenna construction, fox hunts and building of FM radio receivers, and the GOTA station was active as well.
Below are the links to the local TV coverage of the AARC Field Day.
CBS 19, Saturday: https://www.cbs19news.com/story/50943663/ham-radio-enthusiasts-test-skills-for-emergency-response
NBC 29, Sunday: https://www.29news.com/2024/06/23/albemarle-amateur-radio-club-participates-field-day