Richard Freeman (KI4QKV) was born on November 18, 1929, 95 years ago.
On Saturday, November 23rd, 81 of his friends and relatives threw Rich a surprise 95th birthday party! The secret surprise party was held at the Shenandoah Crossing, a high-end resort in Gordonsville, VA. One of the seven tables was dedicated to our ham radio group.
Rich served for six years in the Navy Reserves as a gunner’s mate and Navy in aviation ordnance. He served during the Korean War and was stationed in Hawaii. He then served for 40 years as a firefighter, eventually becoming a Captain in Newark, New Jersey.
Rich and Barbara, both licensed amateur radio operators, were married on May 23, 2003. They have two children, Karen and Chris, and one daughter-in-law, Jenna, and great granddaughter, Ava Demi. Rich was the oldest of 9 children and met Barbara (KN4LAH) through their shared interest in aviation, when Rich served as Secretary to the Black Pilots of America chapter in Newark, NJ.
On a humorous note, Richard was too busy living an active “regular life” for social events that would require him wearing a suit. So, he never owned a suit.
Happy 95th birthday, Rich
~Jim /K4BAV

Rich Freeman – KI4QKV at 95!

Rich Freeman is greeted by his family members after the big “Surprise”

Barbara Freeman (KN4LAH) consults with Joe (W2PVY)

Patrice (KM4RSL), John (KK4JP), Bill (N0WP) and Connie work on the trivia questionnaire. What is Rich’s middle name? (Lawrence)

Russ (KN4LAU) and his wife try to figure out how long Rich worked as a firefighter (40 years) in the trivia contest. Which was won, of course, by one of Rich’s brothers!