Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)

As some already know, the 146.730 repeater is usually connected via IRLP to the East Coast Reflector (9050). To see the current nodes connected to 9050 go to:

The 73 repeater uses a simplex UHF frequency on the 2nd port of the repeater controller to communicate with another UHF radio at the 4703 node located at Zehmer Hall on UVA grounds. As the 9050 reflector usually has around 30 different nodes connected, when you key up the 73 repeater, your audio has to pass to the UHF radio, transmit to the UHF radio at the node, pass by VoIP to the reflector, located in Michigan, travel by VoIP to the other node computers, and then by whatever connecting hardware is used to pass the audio to the repeater connected to that node. This means that with each transmission, there is a lot of hardware distributed from Michigan to Florida, that needs to be lifted up from its idle state. What does this mean for you the user? All you need to remember is to key your mic and wait a second or two before you start speaking. Also, it is important when the other station stops speaking, wait a couple of seconds before you key up your mic. Also, be aware that there are no repeater controller ID’s or courtesy tones that go out on IRLP. There is a short courtesy beep that the link UHF radio gives back on the 146.730 repeater, but the other station needs to know that you are turning over the conversation by ending your transmission with “over” or “back to you”.

Does this mean that the 73 repeater shouldn’t be used for local conversations? No, local conversations are fine, but the general rules of pauses still need to be applied, because when you are talking locally, your local conversation is going out to the entire reflector population. If you are planning on an extended conversation locally, just DTMF the code 73 and that will drop the 146.730 repeater from the reflector. When your local extended conversation is completed, DTMF 9050 to reconnect to the reflector. Likewise, if you would like to connect to another reflector, or individual node, disconnect from the 9050 reflector, and send the DTMF code for the other reflector, or node. Connections to reflectors will not timeout, they have to be broken by sending 73. On the other hand, connections to individual nodes will timeout in 4 minutes of inactivity.

If you would like to learn more about IRLP visit the IRLP website:

If you have other questions or issues, contact me at:

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