Propagation Maps (Updated)

Combined map with BGCCC 2013, Gran Fondo Virginia 2013, Miller School Road Race 2013, MS150 Tour de Vine (multiple years), Jefferson cup (multiple years) race/ride routes, local repeaters, 7.5minute quadrangle grid, and line of sight (LOS) propagation overlay for 146.760, 146.925, and 146.895 repeaters. Created by AK4OL.
Propagation map with bike routes

Color key:
Green: WA4TFZ_146.760
Cyan: WA4TFZ_146.925
Medium Violet: 146.895
Yellow: 760+925
Pink: 760+895
Orange: 925+895
Dark Green: 760+925+895

This long range propagation map includes Short Pump,, Culpepper, Harrisonburg, staunton, ruckersville, gordonsville, barborsville earlysville, Stanardsville, Charlottesville, Crozet, Lynchburg, Buckingham, Buena Vista, Lexington, Amelia, Appomatix, Concord, Amherst, Natural bridge, Dilwyn, etc.
Long range Propagation map

These images are reduced 4:1 from full size. Bike routes will not be very visible in reduced sizes. Open the image by itself and zoom to full size and pan around. Right click on image and select “View Image” to view the image by itself then click where you want to zoom.
Or download and use a program such as gqview (Linux, Mac OS X, Windoze) to display.

Additional propagation maps have been posted on the Gran Fondo Virginia 2013 and Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge 2013 public service event pages.

The following link gives S-meter readings vs field strength in dBuV/m or received power levels in dBm. This will be useful to interpret maps which will follow.

Additional propagation maps are being generated as i type this.

Splat! HD quirks:
Don’t put a “.” in the name of the repeater (.qth filename) such as WA4TFZ_146.760 as this will excite the bugs in the software (it will try to find WA4TFZ_146.lrp and fail).
Convert the files from ppm to jpg and modify the kml file accordingly.
The resulting maps can really slow down googleearth.

Update: 2013-09-07: Signal Stength Maps posted. These are reduce, right click “View Image” then click on image to zoom.
WA4TFZ 146.760Mhz Repeater Signal Strength Map
Propagation Signal Strength Map

WA4TFZ 146.895Mhz Repeater Signal Strength Map
Propagation Signal Strength Map

WA4TFZ 146.925Mhz Repeater Signal Strength Map
Propagation Signal Strength Map

K4DND 146.730 Mhz Repeater Signal Strength Map
Propagation Signal Strength Map

K4DND 145.450 Mhz Repeater Signal Strength Map
Propagation Signal Strength Map

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