Meetings and Nets

Club Meetings

The AARC holds general meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are now held at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) room 835 on the upper floor of the Technology Wing (building 800), with free parking available in the South Parking Lot. 

COVID Statement: As in-person monthly meetings have resumed, we will continue to have monthly meetings live on Zoom for those unable to attend in person. The link to the Zoom meeting will be found in the monthly email to members announcing the meeting.

Monday Night Information Net (MNIN)

The Monday Night Information Net (MNIN) is open to all amateur radio operators. It is held every Monday at 8:00 PM (20:00) local time on the 146.925 repeater. The MNIN also is available on the linked 146.895 repeater. If these repeaters malfunction, Dave Damon K4DND has kindly agreed to have us use his repeater at 146.730.

The current Net Control Stations (NCS) are:

  • Pete KQ4TNW (1st Monday)
  • Jim  K4BAV (2nd Monday)
  • Ken KO4OM (3rd Monday)
  • Scott KQ4TNX (4th Monday)
  • LeRoy KO4JMH (5th Monday)

The club encourages operators to participate as a Net Control Station. Please contact the Net Manager, Bob Romanko, at if you wish to volunteer.

Below are resources to assist Net Control Stations:

  • Sample Script (DOCX)
  • Sample Script (PDF)
  • List of callsigns of frequent check-ins (PDF)

Wednesday Lunch Bunch – via Zoom

The Wood Grill Lunch Bunch met for many years in person and usually had 6 to 10 people attendees.
Everybody knew what each person liked to eat!
But the Pandemic changed this group from meeting in person every Wednesday for lunch to meeting
by Zoom.
The current ham radio Lunch bunch meets every Wednesday beginning at 11:00 o’clock.
John Porter sends out the Lunch bunch Zoom link.  These folks offer interesting chit chat and various updates.  Everyone is welcome.  
The most faithful folks who join the Wednesday 11AM Lunch Bunch are 
Jimmy Lawrence KD4EDT; Bob Pattison K4DU; Jim Wilson K4BAV; sheila Hazen (xyl of SK Stan Hazen K2SSB}; John Porter KK4JP; Ian Callihan  KN4TBG and sometimes Linda Uhline KM4JIO
The Wednesday Lunch Bunch — come join the fun.
The Sperry Net on 40 meters
The Sperry Net was established by Harry Dannals, W2HD, who originated the net in New York, mostly with ham members who worked for the original Sperry Company.  Harry continued to operate the Sperry Net even as he moved to Charlottesville in the early 1990s.  Harry Dannals was the longest serving president of the ARRL from 1972 to 1982 and was a highly honored member of the Albemarle Amateur Radio Club. He became SK in 2022. 
In his memory, the net retains the Sperry Net name.  Many of the original members were Sperry retirees but we now welcome any hams who enjoy good ham fellowship on 40 meters HF. 
Come Join Us! The Sperry Net operates on HF 40 meters every Monday, Wednesday, Friday on or about 7.185 khz.  The net runs from 11AM Eastern time for about 30 minutes. All hams are welcome to check in.  Net Control rotates between different hams.  We’d like to hear from YOU in 2025!

Northern Piedmont Emergency Net (NPEN)

The Northern Piedmont Emergency Net meets every Thursday evening at 8:00 PM (20:00) local time on the 146.730 MHz K4DND repeater on Carter Mountain.  The NPEN is a directed net with rotating net control stations intended to assist local amateurs with building emergency operating capabilities. The NPEN provides an opportunity to learn the basics of many aspects of emergency communication.

Please join us on the NPEN and contribute to the important role that the Amateur Radio Service plays in emergency communication support for families, friends, and others in our local community.

Waynesboro/Charlottesville Skywarn Subnet

Skywarn is a network of volunteer severe weather spotters, who act as the “eyes and ears” of National Weather Service (NWS) offices throughout the county. The spotters are trained by local NWS Forecast Offices on how to spot and report severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, and flooding. In some areas, spotters also report snowfall and ice accumulation.

This subnet serves the counties of Greene, Albemarle, Augusta, and Nelson Counties and the independent cities in those counties.

This Skywarn net meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 9 PM on W4PNT  147.075+, pl 131.8. We will also meet informally when spotters are “activated” for weather events. Net participants are encouraged to monitor our local NWS All Hazards radio station KZZ28, 162.450 which broadcasts spotter activation notices and important weather information.

The website that supports our local efforts is 

K4UEK, Dave.   Waynesboro/Charlottesville SKYWARN Subnet Coordinator

Saturday Morning Breakfast bunch
Every second and fourth Saturday Morning starting at about 7 AM there is an informal breakfast at Panera Bread in Barracks Road Shopping Center; show-and-share is a popular activity, so bring your project! This is a family-friendly gathering, so pack the gang in the car and bring them along. The group continues until the last person leaves, usually about 9:30 am.

Greene County Virginia Amateur Radio Club (GCVARC)

When: On the First Thursday of Every Month @ 6:00 pm

Where: Blue Ridge Café & Catering, 8315 Seminole Trail, Ruckersville, VA 22968

Notes: The owner asked that you park in the rear parking lot near the Veterinarian’s Office and near the back door of the restaurant which leads to the meeting rooms where the meeting is held. Dinner is held prior to the meeting if you care to order something. After the Club business is attended to there is usually a presentation and an auction of Amateur Radio-related items (Proceeds go to the GCVARC).

Simplex Net: Every 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursday of the Month @7:00 pm on 147.420 Mhz

Fluvanna County Amateur Radio Group

Monday Night Net: Every Monday at 8:00 pm on 145.170 Mhz

Breakfast Gathering:

Every Wednesday @7:30 am. at Dogwood Restaurant at Lake Monticello, 10 Centre Court, Palmyra, VA 22963

Lunch Gathering: 1st Friday each month; location TBD (Email Manny Rodriguez if interested. He can tell you when and where to meet.