AARC 2019 Field Day Report

Here is a summary of our submission to ARRL:

Entry received at: 2019-07-21 16:30:58
Call Used: W4DO GOTA Station Call: WA4TFZ ARRL/RAC Section: VA Class: 3A
Participants: 72 Club/Group Name: Albemarle Amateur Radio Club
Power Source(s): Generator, Solar
Power Multiplier: 2X
Preliminary Total Score: 4,526
Bonus Points:
100% emergency power 300
Media Publicity 100 – Documented by fd2019-dailyprogressarticle.pdf… Read the rest

August 3, 2019 Club Trip to GreenBank Radio Observatory – by Jim Condon

Sign Up Here:


The AARC Green Bank tour is scheduled for August 3.  We will
gather in the NRAO parking lot at 8:30 AM, where I will hand out maps
and driving instructions for an 8:45 departure. Caravan drivers should
arrive with enough gas for a 250 mile round trip so they won’t have to
stop along the way. … Read the rest

Field Day 2019: News Coverage and Photos

CBS 19: https://www.cbs19news.com/content/news/Ham-radio-operators-test-skills-in-case-of-emergency-511686102.html

NBC 29: https://www.nbc29.com/story/40695132/albemarle-amateur-radio-club-hosts-field-day-event

Daily Progress: https://www.dailyprogress.com/news/local/county/at-field-day-ham-radio-enthusiasts-show-off-their-magic/article_1bb90c3c-9553-11e9-aef9-b392ed150cfe.html or https://www.albemarleradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/FieldDay2019DailyProgress_001.pdf

Pictures Taken by John, KK4P: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO9pcE-JLPQ5BBAnhIWZRSUyzI57HExZlt7MUVqdCOkya3ZUtPfWDsEEuRtRHntHA?key=T1MtUG1JbVZJSEF0bDRQQ09ma0tHdXJtaUN6TWJB

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Our Field Day Donors

Thanks to the following local merchants who will donate food and supplies to the AARC 2019 Field Day. We encourage and will gladly recognize any additional local merchants who wish to contribute to our important Emergency Training exercise. Please contact tuzlu@comcast.net.… Read the rest