W4UVA and cubesats

Our sister club, W4UVA at the University of Virginia, is designing and building the ground station for the upcoming UVa cubesat mission.  See the article at https://news.virginia.edu/content/just-houston-engineering-students-begin-work-satellite-ground-station for more information.

The story has also been picked up the the Southgate Amateur Radio News (http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2017/march/university-of-virginia-satellite-project.htmRead the rest

Upcoming Speakers at AARC 2017 Meetings

by Larry Eicher, Vice President, K4JZQ.

January 10, 2017 Travis Koshko, W3TJK, Weather and its effect on Communications

February 14, 2017  Rob Capon W3DX, Reverse Beacon Network

March 21, 2017 Alfred Wanderlingh of Batteries Plus Bulbs. Talk on Batteries

April 11, 2017 Mike McPherson KQ9P An Amateur Radio Satellite Ground Station at UVA

May 9, 2017 Bob Pattison K4DU – Overview of Field Day Plans

June 13, 2017 Dave Damon K4DND & Dennis Terrible WR4I – 2 short presentations, Dennis to focus on CW operations at FD

July 11, 2017 Bruce McAllister W4BRU Richmond Maker Fest Info

August 8, 2017 Bob Romanko, AK4BR – Lightning Protection for your Shack

September 10, 2017    Picnic at Darden Towe Park

October 10, 2017 Deputy Chief Chan Bryant Albemarle Sheriff’s Office, Topic TBD

November 14, 2017  Cole Fairchild on BACON Weather Balloon Project Report

December Awards Dinner – Dec 12, 2017 Venue TBD… Read the rest

AARC Awards at the Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair, March 9, 2017

AARC made awards to an outstanding middle-schooler, and an outstanding team of high-schoolers for projects related to ham radio, electronics, or communications.

The Junior Division award of a certificate and a check for $100.00 went to middle school student Abigail Rollins, N2AMR, for a project comparing the coverage area of a 3 element Yagi with a simple dipole.… Read the rest