Nominations for 2017 AARC Election

Nominations should be sent via email to  Please check with your nominee to confirm that they are willing to serve before you nominate them.


Ed Berkowitz, N3US (incumbent)

Vice President

Larry Eicher, K4JZQ (incumbent)


Jim Wilson, K4BAV


Don Eason, N4UVA (incumbent)

Public Service Director

Dave Damon, K4DND (incumbent)

Estate Services Director

Jim Owen, K4CGY (incumbent)

Technical Director

Bill Pond, N0WP (incumbent)

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October 6 new repeater update

On October 5, I visited the Marshall Manor 146.925 site with Gordon, WW4GW. We needed to replace the controller that was responsible for the intermittent transmitter dropouts, as well as continue to investigate the persistent noises on the output.
The replacement controller is the new Arcom RC210 the club recently purchased which was installed without issue.… Read the rest

October 1 repeater update

As everyone probably knows, the 146.925 continues to be our problem child. Within the past month, we’ve made at least 3 visits to the site, attempting to resolve, improve, or at least understand the problems that seem to be multiplying.

Problem #1.… Read the rest

Upcoming Speakers at AARC Meetings

by Larry Eicher, Vice President, K4JZQ.

October 11, Denny Avers, W3DRY.  QSL’ing and the ARRL QSL system.

November 8, James Crosby K4JEC, “Accuracy in Communications is Critical when Life and Property are at Stake.

December  13, AARC Holiday Social – Dinner & Awards Double Tree Hotel

January 10, 2017 Travis Koshko, KK4EDW, Weather and its effect on Communications

February 14, 2017  Rob Capon W3DX, Reverse Beacon Network

March 14, 2017 Alfred Wanderlingh of Batteries Plus Bulbs.… Read the rest

Morris Jones NM4R

September 22, Morris Jones NM4R became a silent key.  Old timers will remember the many contributions that Morris made to the local ham radio community.  Morris was a NCS on the Virginia Late Net every Wednesday for over 40 years, in addition to serving as the NCS of the Northern Piedmont Emergency Net for many years.  … Read the rest