AARC repeater update 7/31/16

Early in July, I was quite pleased with our repeater status after getting the 146.925 power back on, then getting our original Fusion repeater back on the air at 444.250. Then in the middle of July, the repeater at Heard Mountain (146.760) went into a solid transmit on mode.… Read the rest

Upcoming Public Service Events

AARC has three more PS events for 2016.  Two of these are Triathlons and the third is the Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge.  Triathlons are really fun and quick, starting off with the swimming segment.  From the water (pool or lake) the athletes go into a transition area where they put on cycling shoes and helmets, and proceed to the starting line for the bike segment. … Read the rest

Field Day 2016 Results, Coming Soon…


Current status as of:
2016/06/26 17:55:10 UTC
2016/06/26 01:55:10 PM Local
Updates are set to upload every 3 minute(s).

Current Score Statistics:

Total CW Contacts = 299
Total Phone Contacts = 480
Total DIG Contacts = 0
Total QSO Points = 1,078
QSOs / Hour Last 20 Minutes = 33
QSOs / Hour Last 60 Minutes = 40

Created by: N3FJP’s ARRL Field Day Contest Log 5.1

N3FJP Software: http://www.n3fjp.com… Read the rest