Dayton Hamvention

The Dayton Hamvention, the largest hamfest in North America is coming Friday 2014-05-16 through Sunday 2014-05-18. Although it is 7 hours away, a number of AARC members will be attending.

Dayton Hamvention banner


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Note that there are one or more hamfests listed on the club calendar in Virginia or neighbouring states almost every weekend for the next 3 months, except for field day and independence day.… Read the rest

Kicksat launch this Friday 2014-04-18 or Sat 2014-04-19

UPDATE: Kicksat has successfully launched.
Sprites will be deployed around 2014-05-04 15:45 EDT.
Kicksat orbit is predicted to decay around 2014-05-14.

Technical difficulties aside, there is a 40% chance weather will permit kicksat to launch Friday and a 36% chance it will launch saturday for a total probablity of 76%.… Read the rest

Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department Fundraising Barbecue, Saturday 2014-05-03

Picture of front of Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department with 4 emergency vehicles emerging from bays

Bob Pattison, K4DU, writes:

For quite some time now the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department (EVFD) has supported the Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC) by hosting our annual Field Day station. At the most recent AARC meeting it was suggested that we, the members of the AARC, should support the EVFD by attending their Spring Barbecue.… Read the rest

Kicksat launch scheduled for tomorrow. SCRUBBED

“Our launch is officially on for tomorrow (April 14th) at 4:59 PM EDT. ”
Kiscksat (the cubesat) should be transmitting tomorrow evening.
Sprites will be deployed 16 days later.

There is also a lunar eclipse late monday night, early morning (roughly 1AM-5PM) Weather conditions: partly cloudy (wunderground hourly forecast).… Read the rest