AARC April 2014 Monthly Meeting: Contesting (Updated with slides)

The AARC monthly meeting will be held at 7:30PM, Tuesday 2014-04-08. Ed Berkowitz N3US will give a presentation on Contesting. The public is welcome to attend. The board meeting is in the same location at 7PM.

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Meeting Location: NRAO Auditorium, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA.… Read the rest

Ham Radio License Class (Beginners: FCC Technician License)

ARRL Technicial License Study Manual cover image

The Albemarle Amateur Radio Club will kick-off a Technician Class (the entry level license) on Saturday, April 19, at 9 a.m. in the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville. This will be a self-study class requiring the American Radio Relay League Ham Radio License Manual textbook at a cost of $29.95 ordered from www.arrl.org… Read the rest

Jefferson Cup Road Race 2014

Sun Mar 30, 2014
Arrive at 7:30AM, safety meeting at 8:15AM; drivers must attend.

Homepage: none
Route: http://www.mapmyride.com/us/charlottesville-va/jeff-cup-loop-route-1547968
Registration: https://www.bikereg.com/22430
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JeffersonCupRoadRace
Start location:
Leslie H Walton Middle School
4217 Red Hill Road Charlottesville, VA 22903-7922
+37° 55′ 15.58″, -78° 33′ 8.78
geo:37.920994,-78.552439 (calculated from above coordinates)
geo:37.921495,-78.551065 (from google map link on bikereg)
UTM: 715135.8128E 4199874.193N Zone 17

Prepare for rain.… Read the rest

Special Edition of The Beacon now posted under “Beacon Newsletter” to the left.

The Beacon was posted late waiting for the minutes of the February meeting. The minutes came in just after posting the newsletter without them. The president asked that the minutes be posted in a special edition of the newsletter. That has been done and can be found in a file “201403 Special” next to the regular edition.… Read the rest