Video presentation from the January 9, 2024 meeting of AARC… Read the rest
Successful VE session
Congratulations to
John Fiske, who passed his General Class exam
Brian Williams, who passed his Technician exam and
Will Plunkett who passed his Technician exam
Thanks to
Joe Duquette K1MOX
Dave Krovetz KY4IE
Dave Damon K4DND
Ed BerKowitz N3US and
Bob Pattison K4DU
For serving as VEs for the session.… Read the rest
2023 Awards Dinner
On Dec. 12, 2023 the club held its Annual Awards Dinner. Recipients of the awards are listed below.
… Read the restSpread the word: Get started in amateur radio!
Seeing the Invisible Universe – John Green KX4P
The November meeting of the AARC featured a talk by John Green, KX4P on radio astronomy, including a visit to the Greenbank Radio Telescope.
… Read the restAmateur radio tests on Saturday 16 December
The AARC will hold its next amateur radio exam session on Saturday, 16 December 2023, at 10:00AM, in M833 at the Piedmont Virginia Community College, 501 College Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Registrants will be notified of any place change.… Read the rest
Ham Radio Magazines at Northside Library
The Northside Library on West Rio Road/Rt. 29 has the ARRL magazines, QST and On the Air, on its magazine racks. As part of AARC’s effort to reach out to the public about ham radio, our club’s donation via ARRL has made these magazines available to the general public.… Read the rest
Ham Radio RF Safety – Ed Berkowitz, N3US
Successful VE session
AARC held a successful VE session at PVCC on Saturday, 16 September.
Congratulations to Christopher Gillis, W6AFK, for passing his General test; and to Dudley White and Glenn Hanbury for passing their Technician tests.
Thanks to Joe Duquette, K1MOX; Bill Pond, N0WP; Dave Damon, K4DND; Bob Pattison, K4DU; and Jim Owen, K4CGY for serving as VEs.… Read the rest
UPDATED: Monthly AARC Meeting Tuesday, January 9th on ZOOM Only! – Club Elections
The Albemarle Amateur Radio Club will hold its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 9th via Zoom. PVCC is closed due to local heavy rains.
The club holds elections every January at this meeting for the club’s President, Vice-President, and any other elected positions with expired terms.… Read the rest