Creating Content for the club website- Lesson 1 – simple content

Sidebar image showing 'create content' option

In this tutorial, I will show how to create a basic story on the website with no pictures, tables, lists, code listings, or other HTML. With the information in this tutorial, you should be able to post a simple quick and dirty story on the club website, such as 90% of the stories published in the first 2-1/2 years of this website being hosted using drupal but not a fancier page such as this tutorial page or some of my recent postings.… Read the rest

Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)

As some already know, the 146.730 repeater is usually connected via IRLP to the East Coast Reflector (9050). To see the current nodes connected to 9050 go to:

The 73 repeater uses a simplex UHF frequency on the 2nd port of the repeater controller to communicate with another UHF radio at the 4703 node located at Zehmer Hall on UVA grounds.… Read the rest

NPEN Frequency List

FrequencyOffsetToneEmergency PowerOther
 52.5250simplex National Simplex Calling Frequency  
 144.3900simplex APRS  
 145.7300simplex VA Section Packet Radio  
 146.5200simplex National Simplex Calling Frequency  
 146.5250simplex National Fox Hunt Frequency/Voice simplex  
 146.5500simplex AARC 2M Simplex  
 146.5800simplex Greene County Simplex  
 147.5400simplex AARC 2M Simplex  
 145.1700minus151.4W4FCO – Fluvanna Countygenerator 
 145.4500minus151.4K4DND – Martha Jefferson Hospitalemergency power 
 146.7300minus151.4K4DND – Carter’s Mtbattery and generatorIRLP Node #4703
 146.7600minus151.4WA4TFZ – Marshall Manorbattery onlynet mode links to 444.000
 146.7900minus110.4WW4GW – Spear’s Mtsolar and windCVRA link system
 146.8800minus74.4W4RAT – Richmondemergency power 
 146.8950minus151.4WA4TFZ – Bucks Elbowgenerator only 
 146.9250minus151.4WA4TFZ – Heard’s Mtbattery only 
 147.0750plusnoneW4PNT – Bear Denbattery only 
 147.1200plus146.2W4CUL – Orange County?
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Field Day clippings from 15 different years of Beacon Back Issues

Sample page from beacon with pictures from Field Day 2003 including Joe W2PVY, W2EIU, W4BZW,K4DU, and the tents

48 Pages from 15 different years, 21.7MB download:

Some pages appear half size due to mixing from different pdf resolutions. Zoom as needed.

Many pages are marked with year and month, but some are not. Here was the list of files (filename is year and month) and page numbers.… Read the rest

AARC Beacon/Bulletin newsletter back issues scanned and uploaded.

Cover of the 1994-06 issue of the beacon newsletter.  Cover prominently mentions Field Day.

I have scanned and uploaded 13 years of past newsletters, 1992-2004. The newsletters are an important part of the documentation of the clubs history. They include :

  • Minutes of meetings
  • Descriptions of past Field Days and other contests and operating events
  • Information about past responses to emergencies
  • History of our repeaters
  • Information about past VE sessions
  • Information about our past public service events
  • Information about our interaction with served agencies
  • Silent Key obituaries
  • Club financial business
  • Who presented what and when
  • Past Foxhunts
  • Donations
  • New Members – when they joined
  • Club Calendar
  • Who held elected offices, and when
  • Club Property
  • Member biographies
  • A record of member’s legacy (for family genealogists)
  • Articles on technology and technique
  • 10 or 20 Years ago today…

As many of you know, back during the changing of the guard from last years leadership to this years, I encountered 4 binders worth of back issues of the beacon and although back issues of the beacon are online back to 2005, the contents of several of these binders were not found on the website.… Read the rest