Field Day 2013

[2012 Field Day image described in text below]
Picture from last year’s Field Day (2012).

For immediate Release

For Additional Information contact:
Albemarle Amateur Radio Club

“Who ya’ gonna call? Charlottesville/Albemarle area Radio Hams!”

Charlottesville, VA 2013-06-17 – Despite the Internet, cell phones, email and modern communications, every year whole regions find themselves in the dark.… Read the rest

Monday Night DIGITAL Net (no special equipment required)

Image of fldigi calling Albemarle Digital Net.

As of last monday, there is a digital net on the 146.730 repeater on monday nights at 8:15PM local time, shortly after the info net (which is voice and on a separate frequency). Probably using MT63-2000 modulation which works well over FM and at least passably with accoustic coupling between computer and radio (no interface needed), although a interface such as a signalink USB would be better.… Read the rest