AARC Public Service 2012

Now that the 2012 AARC Public Service Event schedule has been completed, it is a good time to summarize our efforts for the year.

In 2012, we worked 10 events, down 2 triathlons from 2011. Services were provided for 2 extreme mountain runs, 2 mountain bike races, 2 road bike races, 2 days of the MS-150 Bike Tour, 1 triathlon, and the Boys and Girls Club Cycling Challenge.… Read the rest

AARC Volunteer Examiners

Harry W2HD, does a great job encouraging and recruiting AARC members to become ARRL Accredited Volunteer Examiners. I recently heard him nudging (well maybe nudging isn’t the right description) another to join the ranks. The fact is that the AARC has a great group of VE’s who have collectively participated in a large number of VE sessions over the years.… Read the rest

Club Meeting set for October 9 at 7:30 pm

The club meeting on Tuesday, October 9, at 7:30 pm in the NRAO will offer you an opportunity to meet our new 911 Center’s Emergency Management Coordinator, Kirby Felts, who succeeded Marge Thomas upon her retirement from that position. The club meets in the auditorium of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm.… Read the rest