Successful VE session
AARC held a successful VE session at PVCC on Saturday, 16 September.
Congratulations to Christopher Gillis, W6AFK, for passing his General test; and to Dudley White and Glenn Hanbury for passing their Technician tests.
Thanks to Joe Duquette, K1MOX; Bill Pond, N0WP; Dave Damon, K4DND; Bob Pattison, K4DU; and Jim Owen, K4CGY for serving as VEs.… Read the rest
UPDATED: Monthly AARC Meeting Tuesday, January 9th on ZOOM Only! – Club Elections
The Albemarle Amateur Radio Club will hold its next monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 9th via Zoom. PVCC is closed due to local heavy rains.
The club holds elections every January at this meeting for the club’s President, Vice-President, and any other elected positions with expired terms.… Read the rest
Next VE session on Saturday, 16 September
The AARC will hold its next amateur radio exam session on Saturday, 16 September, 2023, at 10:00AM, tentatively, at Piedmont Virginia Community College. Registrants will be notified of any place change.
Please help spread the word
Exams will be available for all three levels of license: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra.… Read the rest
ARRL Presentation Available
A PDF of the presentation by Bill Moraine, N2COP to the AARC is now available.
… Read the restSuccessful VE session on 15 July
AARC sponsored a successful VE session on Saturday, 15 July at PVCC. Congratulations to Joe Duquette (Amateur Extra), Ben Schrum (Technician), Chris Kiewra (Technician), Chris Nichols (Amateur Extra), Deanna Sackett (Technician), Evie Sackett (Technician), Jeff Dixon (Technician), Jay Thompson (Technician and General), and Finn Thompson (Technician).… Read the rest
AARC VE session FCC exam on Saturday, 27 May at 10 AM
The AARC will hold its next amateur radio exam session on Saturday, May 27, 2022, at 10:00AM, in Room M833 at the Piedmont Virginia Community College, 501 College Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22902.
Please help spread the word.
Exams will be available for all three levels of license: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra.… Read the rest
Successful VE session on 29 April 2023
Congratulations to
Ryan Slater,
Daniel Stornetta, and
Jasmine Floyd,
all of whom passed their technician exams on Saturday, 29 April.
Thanks to VEs Ed Berkowitz, Dave Krovetz, Dave Damon, William Pemberton, and Bill Phillips, who administered the session.
Hank Perritt, K9KDF
VE Liaison… Read the rest
Thinking about Upgrading to General?
The Albemarle Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that a course preparing students to sit for the General Class amateur radio license will be offered via Zoom starting Wednesday evening April 5th at 7 pm Eastern time. The class is open to anyone interested in upgrading to the General Class License and will run for 8 weeks on Wednesdays. … Read the rest