AARC VE Team Members

If you are not listed as an AARC VE Team Member, please let us know. The next VE session will be held Saturday, September 10, 0900 at NRAO.

Callsign Name # Sessions
W2HD Harry Dannals 50
WA1A Mark Gorlinsky 41
K4DU Bob Pattison 30
W6UZ John Gray 28
K4CGY Jim Owen 25
KO4WQ Rick Berman 22
K4DND Dave Damon 21
N0WP Bill Pond 13
AB3BB Bruce Budinger 10
W4PRT Pete Thorsen 6
K9MBQ Alan Swinger 6
N4UVA Don Eason Jr 5
K4IB Bill Arnold 4
KT4UO Terry Henderson 4
KJ4XZ Will Seay 4
AD6JV Bill Phillips 2
WD4LT Skip Thacker 1
KI5LLB Linda Beard 0
W4VK Chris Bortz 0… Read the rest

Emergency Antenna Site Test

The Emergency Antenna Site test was a great sucess thanks to all those who committed their time on Saturday November 6. The following stations participated:
Dave K4DND and Gene KJ4RPR at the Charlottesville/Albemarle 911 Center
Andre KI4NTM at the UVA Poison Control Center
Dave K4DPF at UVA Health South on Fontaine
Linda KI5LLB and Patsy K4PMC at the American Red Cross on Rose Hill Drive
Vic N3DFS at the Greene County Red Cross Office
Mike KA4JJD at the VA Health Dept on Rose Hill Drive
Greg N4PGS at the Western Albemarle Rescue Squad
Jim K4CGY at Monticello High School
Jim K4JEC at the County Office Building South
Stan K2SSB at the Ridge Street Fire Station
Elmer KF4UCI and Jon KJ4RPW at East Rivanna Fire Station
Fred KE4ANO at the Lake Monticello Fire Station
Walter W4QIA at the Kent Store Rescue Squad
Dave KN4ZQ at the Fork Union Fire Station
Lee K4ISW at the Palmyra Rescue Squad
Bob W4RBM at the Carysbrook Rec Center
Larry KF4FRR at the Lake Monticello Club House
Glenn W4XR and Troy K0ROF at the Fluvanna EOC
and Manny K4MSR floating in Fluvanna County
Thank you all for your help in this important test.… Read the rest


Many thanks to the members of the AARC who supported the Great Eastern Endurance Run on Saturday, September 25th. Over 200 runners competed on mountain trail runs of 100K, 50K or 13 miles. Runners started out at 0600 and the radio support was shut down at midnight, when all runners remaining on the course had passed the last aid station.… Read the rest