March 12 License test location
The AARC will hold its next amateur radio exam session on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at 9:00AM at
Classroom M833 at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC). See
Exams will be available for all three levels of license: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra.… Read the rest
February AARC Meeting Presentations
Moving A Station – K4DU
At the January AARC meeting, Bob Pattison K4DU gave a talk on the move of his station from one location to another. The move included taking down a large antenna and tower and getting the foundation for a new tower. … Read the rest
VE session held on 11 December
The AARC held a VE test session on 11 December. LeRoy Caudill, KO4JMH, passed the test for an upgrade to general class. Patrick Morrisey and Tim Forrester passed the test for their technician licenses.
Thanks to VEs Bob Pattison, K4DU, Dave Damon, K4DND, Ed Berkowitz, N3US, and William Pemberton KX4KZ, for supervising the session.… Read the rest
Update on the 895 Repeater
Here is a report from Dave Damon (K4DND) regarding the status of the 146.895 repeater.
“The AARC 895 repeater has been put back into service on a temporary basis. We do not yet have permission to make the move to the new tower. … Read the rest
Kaye M Harden KE4UKW SK
Kaye Harden served as the Emergency Manager for the local jurisdiction including Albemarle County, the City of Charlottesville, and the University of Virginia for over 14 years. He was instrumental in incorporating ARES and the Amateur Radio Service in local emergency response planning and exercises.… Read the rest
Severe Weather In Virginia
Travis Koshko, W3TJK, talks about the causes and consequences of severe weather in Virginia, and the tools he uses to predict it during the October 2021 AARC Meeting.
submitted by KA4JJD
CQ AARC Members:
We have had a Facebook (FB) page for about eight years, but it has been somewhat inactive. We are attempting to increase membership on our club’s FB page and its usefulness to its users. One need not be a member of the AARC nor a licensed amateur to join the page.… Read the rest