While many AARC members prefer continuing our monthly club meeting via Zoom, there is still interest and a need to gather in person. Ed N3US has organized getting together on the third Saturday of the month in the parking lot next to the picnic pavilion in Darden Towe Park.… Read the rest
Prep for Field Day 2021
Also for folks interested in doing digital for field day, last year’s presentation on FT8 on Field day by KO8V is available at: https://youtu.be/G0flbA8lKV8 … Read the rest
Joe Fritz KD4RWX SK
I just received an email from David Fritz, Joe’s son, with word of Joe’s passing. I include David’s email and the link to Joe’s obituary. Some of you will recall how involved Joe was with the AARC over many years. He single-handedly organized the membership database and that was published as the AARC club directory and reissued annually to the membership.… Read the rest
Next exam session will be held on Saturday, December 11, 2021
The AARC will hold its next amateur radio exam session on Saturday, December 11th, 2021, at 9:00AM. at the Ivy Creek United Methodist Church 674 Woodlands Road Charlottesville, VA 22901.
Exams will be available for all three levels of license: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra.… Read the rest
Thinking about Upgrading to General?
The Albemarle Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that a course preparing students to sit for the General Class amateur radio license will be offered via Zoom starting Wednesday evening March 24th at 7 pm Eastern time. The class is open to anyone interested in upgrading to the General Class License and will run for 8 weeks on Wednesdays. … Read the rest
KF4RKR Antenna Installation
The AARC Antenna Team completed installation of a 120-foot off-center-fed dipole for Charlie Grisham (KF4RKR). Team leader Ed Berkowitz (N3US) did an initial “virtual” visit via email, with recommendations about how to use a garden hose as an underground conduit for coax leading from a basement ham shack and ideas for where to hang the antenna.… Read the rest
Awards Presented on December 8, 2020
Final Awards for the December 8, 2020 AARC meeting
2020 Monthly Programs: Presented by Larry, K4JZQ
Tim Miller KG4HOT and Jason Gnatowsky KG4FJC for their presentation on February 11, 2020 about the 220 MHz repeater network. (separate awards)
Mike McPherson KQ9P for his program presentation on March 10, 2020 on CubeSat updates.… Read the rest
Virtual Technician Class Completed
The AARC Technician Class wrapped up on November 4, 2020 following 10 weeks of virtual sessions. The class included over 25 participants, including students from New York and Colorado. It was organized by AARC Education Chair Bob Pattison (K4DU) and featured presentations by Bob, Hank Perritt (K9KDF), Brian O’Rourke (K4UL), Skip Thacker (WD4LT), Jim Owen (K4CGY), Joe Greenberg (KJ4PE), and John Porter (KK4JP).… Read the rest
Summits on the Air – Nov. 2020 AARC Meeting
Allen Graves, AG4VA tells about his experiences with SOTA – and how you can participate. … Read the rest
Winlink Presentation
The October AARC meeting featured a presentation by Greg Butler (KW6GB) on the uses of Winlink for emergency communications. You can find additional information at: https://winlinkwednesday.net.
Additionally, AARC hams K4DND, KO8V, N4PGS, KN4LYF and KK4JP have volunteered to help anyone interested in getting Winlink working on their station using either VHF/UHF or HF.… Read the rest