W4UVA Open House

W4UVA will hold an open house on Sunday, 10 November 2019, from 2-4pm at the W4UVA shack. (See https://www.w4uva.org/location/ for directions.)

We will be operating a voice station and a digital station for DX (distance) contacts around the world; a satellite antenna and radio for making contacts through amateur radio satellites; a Winlink radio email station for sending email via amateur radio; and an amateur radio mesh networking node.… Read the rest

AARC 2019 Field Day Report

Here is a summary of our submission to ARRL:

Entry received at: 2019-07-21 16:30:58
Call Used: W4DO GOTA Station Call: WA4TFZ ARRL/RAC Section: VA Class: 3A
Participants: 72 Club/Group Name: Albemarle Amateur Radio Club
Power Source(s): Generator, Solar
Power Multiplier: 2X
Preliminary Total Score: 4,526
Bonus Points:
100% emergency power 300
Media Publicity 100 – Documented by fd2019-dailyprogressarticle.pdf… Read the rest

August 3, 2019 Club Trip to GreenBank Radio Observatory – by Jim Condon

Sign Up Here:


The AARC Green Bank tour is scheduled for August 3.  We will
gather in the NRAO parking lot at 8:30 AM, where I will hand out maps
and driving instructions for an 8:45 departure. Caravan drivers should
arrive with enough gas for a 250 mile round trip so they won’t have to
stop along the way. … Read the rest

Field Day 2019: News Coverage and Photos

CBS 19: https://www.cbs19news.com/content/news/Ham-radio-operators-test-skills-in-case-of-emergency-511686102.html

NBC 29: https://www.nbc29.com/story/40695132/albemarle-amateur-radio-club-hosts-field-day-event

Daily Progress: https://www.dailyprogress.com/news/local/county/at-field-day-ham-radio-enthusiasts-show-off-their-magic/article_1bb90c3c-9553-11e9-aef9-b392ed150cfe.html or https://www.albemarleradio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/FieldDay2019DailyProgress_001.pdf

Pictures Taken by John, KK4P: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO9pcE-JLPQ5BBAnhIWZRSUyzI57HExZlt7MUVqdCOkya3ZUtPfWDsEEuRtRHntHA?key=T1MtUG1JbVZJSEF0bDRQQ09ma0tHdXJtaUN6TWJB

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