Area Repeaters

Managed by the AARC

FrequencyTone and OffsetCallLocation AARC Repeaters
Details and Map
146.760151.4 (-)WA4TFZHeard Mountain (near Covesville VA),
146.925151.4 (-)WA4TFZMartha Jefferson Hospital (Pantops)View
146.895151.4 (-)WA4TFZBucks Elbow (west of Crozet)View
224.760151.4 (-)WA4TFZHeard Mountain (near Covesville VA)View
444.250151.4 (+)WA4TFZMartha Jefferson Hospital (Pantops)View
Clicking "View" above will take you to RepeaterBook, a non-AARC site.
The three AARC 2 meter repeaters and the 220 repeater are normally linked full time.

Other Local Repeaters

FrequencyTone and OffsetCallLocation other area Repeaters
145.170151.4 (-)K4MSRPalmyra (Fluvanna Co.)
145.290131.8 (-)KC8MTVBear Den Mountain (near Waynesboro) C4FM
145.450110.9 (-)WR4CVMontibello (Nelson Co.) Linked to Wintergreen
145.470151.4 (-)AA4DHFlat Top Mountain (near Stanardsville in Greene County)
146.730151.4 (-)K4DNDCharlottesville, Carters Mountain
146.820136.5 (-)WW4GWWintergreen
147.075131.8 (+)W4PNTBear Den Mountain (near Waynesboro)
147.120146.2 (+)W4CULGordonsville (Gibson Mountain) C4FM
147.330141.3 (+)W4ROCLexington
224.400110.9 (-)WR4CVWintergreen
224.800151.4 (-)K4BRWGreene County ARC
224.600151.4 (-)KC8MTVCarters Mountain
440.800151.4 (+)K4DND/P147.54 simplex link Deployed during emergencies, drill and special events
442.075151.4 (+)KF4UCICharlottesville, Carters Mountain
443.900151.4 (+)AA4DHFlat Top Mountain (near Stanardsville in Greene County)
444.150No Tone (+)W4ROCLexington
444.550136.5 (+)WR4CVWintergreen
444.775151.4 (+)KF4UCIBear Den Mountain (near Waynesboro)
444.9125(+) DMRWA4FCBear Den Mountain CC1
444.9875(+) DMRKF4UCICarters Mt CC1
444.4375(+)WW4GWWintergreen, D-Star, C4FM, P-25, Analog with 132.5 PL


Repeater Operating Practices

  1. Monitor the repeater to become familiar with any peculiarities in its operation. This is good practice, but don’t be afraid to jump in and get your feet wet, and enjoy the fun.
  2. To initiate a contact, simply indicate that you are on frequency. For example, “This is KC4TIU monitoring.” Or, “This is KC4TIU listening.” It is very likely that you will get a return call.
  3. Identify legally. You must identify at the termination of your transmission and at least once each ten minutes. This includes when you access the repeater for TIME, or just “kerchunking”- which is not a desirable practice and in fact is illegal operation. Also, the practice of keying the repeater, without identifying, after a QSO has terminated to show a final acknowledgement is illegal as well.
  4. When calling another station, it is conventional to state the station to be called first, then your call, e.g. “KC4TTM this is KC4TIU calling”.
  5. Wait for the courtesy beep after each transmission. This allows someone with emergency traffic, someone wishing to make a call on the repeater, or other operators wishing to enter the exchange to be heard.
  6. When you have an emergency and need to use the repeater, and it is in use, wait for a pause between exchanges and then use the pro-words “BREAK BREAK” and identify yourself. The other stations should acknowledge and stand by for you to complete your emergency transmission. On the repeater, the word “BREAK” should NOT be used just to enter the conversation.
  7. When you wish to join an ongoing conversation, wait for the pause between exchanges and then say, {your call}-“KC4TIU” or {your suffix}-“TIU”. Then wait for one of the other stations to acknowledge you.
  8. Keep your transmissions short and thoughtful, especially during the morning, noon, and evening drive times when other operators may need to use the repeater.
  9. Remember- our club has several repeaters. If one repeater is active and you need to contact someone, or you expect someone to contact you, try another repeater. With the new rigs having scan capabilities it is easy to monitor several frequencies at the “same” time. Choosing a simplex frequency among friends has gained some popularity. That practice frees up the repeaters and makes your conversation more private.
  10. If your conversation is going to be long and the other station is within direct contact range, go to a simplex frequency. It is more like a private conversation than what the repeater produces. That also permits other stations, who require the repeater to make a contact, to make a connection.
  11. Use the minimum amount of power necessary to maintain communications. However, you deserve to have clear communication. If possible, don’t subject your contact to a noisy transmission if you can clear it up with a little more power. Some communications are marginal only because one operator likes to use the absolute minimum power.
  12. Don’t break into a contact unless you have something to add. You wouldn’t walk down a street and enter into a group’s conversation just because you heard them say something that reminded you of a “cute” story.
  13. Respond to calls for assistance or just conversation. Our repeaters are known as friendly repeaters. Let’s keep it that way.